Faster Pick of Online Orders with Flashing Labels

With the COVID situation, picking goods quickly and efficiently is integral to the online order management for grocery stores. Each order often contains many articles and it is important that the right ones end up in the right box and then be delivered to the right customer.

Digital Solution can offer support for stores and businesses that pick online orders. The solution is applicable in both stores, warehouses and dark stores. The solution is facilitated by mobile devices and each item is verified by barcode scanning to eliminate errors.

The product to be picked is activated, after which the label on the shelf starts to flash. When the item is picked and scanned, the label stops flashing. Then the label for the next item to be picked begins to flash. This is controlled via the mobile device that the store staff uses in the store to pick.

The blinking glow at the shelf edge label means that it is both faster and easier to find the right product for the staff. Particularly noticeable is the shelf sections with goods that have a similar appearance such as baby food, spices, sauces, beauty products etc. where the staff can now find the right item much faster.

Tests of the solution have primarily shown that new staff has use of the flash when picking. Something that facilitates temporary staffing and temporary staff. But even a skilled employee who regularly picks orders finds the right item faster.

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